I work on AI for evidence-based medicine at NIH with Dr. Zhiyong Lu.
My first-author research has been published in Nature Communications, npj Digital Medicine, EBioMedicine, Scientific Data, Bioinformatics, NeurIPS, ACL, EMNLP, and SIGIR.
We developed the MedCPT foundation models that have been downloaded over 2 million times on Hugging Face, and PubTator Database that has been accessed over 1 billion times.
Our work has also been adopted by Google, Microsoft & OpenAI, Meta, Anthropic; and featured by NIH News, POLITICO, Nature, MedScape, Azure Government, and AUANews.
We received the NIH Director’s Challenge Innovation Awards, AMIA Distinguished Poster Award, IMIA Best NLP Paper Award, and BioBank Disease AI Challenge Award.
I serve as the Associate Editor for the Journal of Medical Internet Research, as the Area Chair for ACL Rolling Review, and on the Editorial Board of Journal of Biomedical Informatics.
For more information, please check out my academic homepage.